Okay so yes, Iam one of many girls that go to the tanning beds and fry our bodies with UV rays...well...thats what happens..soo. Anyways, I have been reading GREAT reviews about the Sunlove Tanning System. Of course I know how dangerous it is to tan in the tanning bed and outside, so I decided to try this out. Its only $45 before shipping. Its a tanning spray so I figured it wouldnt be messy and I should get it evenly on,
with the help of someone.
So I just got it in the mail, and I was sooo anxious to try it out. I was going to let my boyfriend be the first to do it..lol..he said no. So I tried it out and....well..its
ok! I mean it drips like constantly...so if you keep spraying then it will drip everywhere! I actually think my problem was that I sprayed it too much lol. Because its just suppose to spray a mist over your body and face then let it set for 3 hours and you'll see the results. Haha well I think I wanted to see results instantly, so I sprayed a lot..and it got all sticky and yucky. So on that note, this product gives a VERY NATURAL look for sure. It is NOT orange AT ALL. So im going to play with this a bit and see what I can come up with. You can purchase this at